Sales Engagement: The New Kid on the Block

Dec 8, 2020, 5:00 – 6:00 PM

Charlotte MUG

Join us to learn how marketing teams can utilize both marketing automation and sales engagement to facilities their go-to market strategies. In this session, we will cover: how sales engagement and marketing automation integrate, who "owns" sales engagement, and how sales engagement is defining the modern sales playbook.

About this event

The modern revenue organization is defined by a joint sales and marketing effort to drive demand, generate new prospect, and generate pipeline for their organization. Marketing and sales have utilized an array of technologies to accomplish those efforts—sales engagement being the latest technology to enable revenue-facing teams.

Marketing automation allowed marketing organizations to quickly scale and generate new prospects, score leads, and utilize nurture campaigns at all stages of the funnel.

Sales engagement is a newer category meant to enable revenue-facing teams to execute highly personalized 1:1 campaigns through an omni-channel approach via email, call steps, and other social interactions.

In this session, we will discuss how marketing teams can utilize both marketing automation and sales engagement to facilitate their go-to market strategies:

• How Sales Engagement and Marketing Automation Integrate

• What role does Marketing play in the sales engagement strategy

• Who “owns” Sales Engagement?

• How Sales Engagement is defining the modern sales playbook 

In the holiday spirit, we will be doing a fun raffle at the end of the event. Two lucky attendees will receive a $25 gift certificate! We look forward to seeing you there.


  • Kristin Keefer


    Senior Marketing Operations Manager


  • Hallie Moser



  • John Francis


    Marketing/Ops - Dir/VP

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