[WEBINAR] Lifecycle Processing: The Operational Spine of Marketo

Oct 24, 2019, 5:00 – 6:00 PM

Chicago MUG

By leveraging your Lifecycle Processing program as the core of your system, you can control the order of operations for everything that happens as leads flow through the buyer’s journey. We will talk about the strategic approach to creating, optimizing and building a Lifecycle Processing program to be scalable, clear, robust, intelligent and modular.

About this event

Many are familiar with the concept of a lead lifecycle/revenue model/lead funnel in Marketo, but few realize the full potential of what this crucial operational program has to offer. By leveraging your Lifecycle Processing program as the core of your system, you can control the order of operations for everything that happens as leads flow through the buyer’s journey. We will talk about the strategic approach to creating, optimizing and building a Lifecycle Processing program to be scalable, clear, robust, intelligent and modular so it serves your organization’s needs today and the needs you will have tomorrow. Presented by Sydney Mulligan, Marketing Technology Consultant at Etumos. Sydney is a 4x Champion, MUG Leader and MCSA.

Join: https://revenuepulse.zoom.us/j/626743697


  • Sydney Mulligan

    EMMIE Collective




Thursday, October 24, 2019
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM UTC


  • Brooke Bartos


    Marketing/Ops - Mgr

  • Andy Caron

    Revenue Pulse


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