Portugal - Get ready for the launch!

Oct 11, 2023, 2:00 – 3:00 PM

Marketo User Group Portugal

Our first-ever User Group Meeting for Portugal. We'll do introductions, hear what a User Group is all about, get the latest product news and last but not least: hear what you would like to see at our future meetings. To keep our schedules light, this first meeting will be virtual. Aiming to meet in-person at our next edition in November.

About this event

Our first-ever User Group Meeting for Portugal. We'll do introductions, hear what a User Group is all about, get the latest product news and last but not least: hear what you would like to see at our future meetings. To keep our schedules light, this first meeting will be virtual. Aiming to meet in-person at our next edition in November.

Preliminary Agenda 
- Introductions
- What is a User Group?
- Latest Marketo Product news
- Topics for future meetings


  • Heleen Abegg

    Banana Monkey LDA


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