Melbourne MUG - March 2023

Mar 27, 2023, 5:00 – 7:00 AM

Melbourne Marketo User Group

Welcome to Melbourne MUGs in 2023! We hope everyone had an enjoyable break. Our first MUG is coming up quickly in March and will be held at RMIT University. Register and come along for an afternoon of networking, learning and light refreshments =)

About this event

Welcome to Melbourne MUGs in 2023! We've got an ambitious 4 MUGs to run this year and so without further ado, our first one will be on Monday 27th March from 4-6pm.

Thanks to RMIT University for providing the conference space, we'll be conveniently located in the CBD and near public transport.

Register and come along for an afternoon of networking, learning and light refreshments =)


4:00 PM - Arrive, say Hi! and grab a bite

4:25 PM - Welcome message from your MUG leaders Jay Jiang and Helen Clark

4:30 PM - Import Program Features deep-dive & Marketo + DAM presented by Jess Clement and Jeremy Evans

5:00 PM - Q&A panel

Ask the experts: How to grow with Marketo and Marketing Automation

Need advice on a Marketo problem you're having?

Want an expert opinion on the right tool or plugin for your use case?

Want some tips on how to become a Marketo power user or admin?

Want to know how to build a successful career in Marketing Operations?

Ask the experts!

This panel Q&A is all about growth with Marketo and our incredible panel will be here to answer, discuss and debate all of your questions.

Our Panelists:

Veronica Holmes - Principal Consultant, V Holmes Consulting

Vidhi Khare - Lifecycle Automation Lead, Host Plus

Malay Chakraborty - Marketing Automation Technical Lead, AustralianSuper

Georgia Rajic - CRM and Automation Manager, RMIT University

5:30 PM - Closing

5:35 PM - Feel free to stick around and chat

*** Call for presenters and venues ***

If you're interested in presenting content (could be anything and at any level that's Adobe Marketo related) please reach out to your Melbourne MUG leaders, Helen Clark or Jay Jiang, we'd love to hear from you!

If you have a venue that could help host a Melbourne MUG, we'd love to hear from you as well!


  • Helen Clark


    Senior MarTech Lead

  • Jay Jiang


    Martech Solutions Architect

  • Jeremy Evans

    Adobe Marketo Engage

    Customer Adoption Specialist

  • Jessica Clement


    Manager, Solution Consulting


  • Vidhi Khare

    Host Plus

    Automation Lead

  • Veronica Holmes

    V Holmes Consulting

    Principal Consultant

  • Malay Chakraborty


    Marketing Automation Technical Lead

  • Georgia Rajic

    RMIT University

    CRM and Automation Manager


  • Helen Clark



  • Jay Jiang


    Marketo Enthusiast

  • Cecilia Ho




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