Melbourne MUG - September 2023

Sep 14, 2023, 6:00 – 8:00 AM (UTC)

Melbourne Marketo User Group

Our third MUG for the year! And we're back in-person! Look forward to two case studies presented by your peers on how they are using Marketo in a special "Show and Tell" MUG. Register and come along for an afternoon of networking, learning and light refreshments =)

About this event

Our third MUG for the year! And we're back in-person! Come along on Thursday 14th September from 4-6pm (hopefully a lovely SPRING day!), we'll be conveniently located in the CBD and near public transport.

We have a special "Show and Tell" theme this MUG. Kate from ESSSuper and Katie from Vision Super will be presenting case studies on how they are using Marketo.

Register and come along for an afternoon of networking, learning and light refreshments =)


4:00 PM - Arrive, say Hi! and grab a bite

4:25 PM - Welcome message from your MUG leaders

4:30 PM - Engagement Canvas overview and thoughts - Jay and Helen

4:40 PM - Adobe Sensei Generative AI Chat - Nicholas Manojlovic

4:50 PM - Marketo at Vision Super - Katie Pham

5:10 PM - Marketo at ESSSuper - Kate Badgery-Parker

5:30 PM - Closing

5:35 PM - Feel free to stick around and chat

*** Call for presenters and venues ***

If you're interested in presenting content (could be anything and at any level that's Adobe Marketo related) please reach out to your Melbourne MUG leaders, Helen Clark or Jay Jiang, we'd love to hear from you!

If you have a venue that could help host a Melbourne MUG, we'd love to hear from you as well!


  • Kate Badgery-Parker


    Marketing Manager

  • Katie Pham

    Marketing Campaign Specialist

  • Nicholas Manojlovic


    Senior Solutions Consultant



Thursday, September 14, 2023
6:00 AM – 8:00 AM (UTC)


  • Helen Clark



  • Cecilia Ho



  • Minna Pacanowski


    Marketing/Ops - Practitioner


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