Milwaukee Marketo User Group Meeting

Nov 16, 2022, 6:00 – 9:00 PM (UTC)

Milwaukee MUG

The first in person get-together of the year for the Milwaukee Marketo User Group, on November 16 at Company Brewery in Riverwest, from 12-3pm. Introductions, meet and greet and snacks from 12-1, with time afterward reserved for a working session with MUG leaders and attendees, Q&A, or continuing discussion!

About this event

It's our first in-person Milwaukee MUG user group of the year! Let's meet over lunch, enjoy some snacks and get to know other Milwaukee Marketo User Group members. 

Thinking about attending the March 19, Las Vegas Summit? Looking to bring your laptop and dive in to a tricky Marketo problem, question or idea? Just want to know who is who and what we all do? Stop by! With an open agenda, and enough of us in one spot, we're hoping no problem is impossible to solve, and we'll all leave with a wider network of Marketo help and assistance. So, bring your laptop, your ideas, interests and enthusiasm for the Marketo Engage Platform and related digital marketing tools or strategies, and let's chat.



Wednesday, November 16, 2022
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM (UTC)


Snacks, Discussion, Networking
Study Group, Q&A, Networking


  • Raven McFarlane

    Seeking Marketing Ops Roles

    Marketing/Ops - Practitioner

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