Unlocking Marketo's Potential: Beyond Native Integrations - Virtual User Group

Feb 29, 3:30 – 5:30 PM

Paris MUG

Join us on Feb 29 for an exclusive Marketo User Group event, diving into the world beyond native integrations. Discover expert insights, integration strategies, and how Vertify revolutionizes Marketo's capabilities for EU customers

About this event

Marketo User Group Virtual Meeting - February 29th, 2024 - 4:30 PM CET

Beyond the Native Marketo Integrations

Join us for a pivotal virtual Marketo User Group meeting focused on expanding the horizon beyond Marketo’s native integrations. This event is tailored for EU Marketo customers, including Marketing Ops and CRM Administrators, looking to elevate their integration strategies.

** Event in English **

Why would you be particularly interested in the MUG?

This Marketo User Group meeting is particularly beneficial for a variety of professionals facing specific challenges in their marketing automation landscape.

If your organization uses Marketo but hasn't yet integrated it with your CRM, leading to disjointed processes and inefficiencies, this event will illuminate paths to streamlined operations. 

For those who are currently using a native integration between Marketo and Dynamics but are encountering performance bottlenecks, error management issues, or problems with duplicate records, our discussions will explore advanced solutions to these common hurdles. 

Companies managing Marketo alongside multiple CRMs will find invaluable insights into maintaining harmony and data consistency across platforms. 

Moreover, for businesses seeking agility to navigate dynamic situations such as mergers, acquisitions, or the need to integrate with external CRMs, our focus on flexible architectures offers strategic guidance to adapt and thrive in changing environments.

Join us to discover how to enhance your Marketo ecosystem to meet the demands of today's rapidly evolving business landscape


  • Pauline Leconte, Senior Solution Consultant
  • Sylvain Davril, Founder of Merlin/Leonard
  • Pauline Royer, Abilways
  • Amanda Barr, Product Marketing Manager, Vertify



Welcome and Introduction: A brief 10-minute session to introduce participants and set the stage for the day’s discussions.

Part 1: The Greatness of Marketo Native Integration by Pauline Leconte (15 mins): Uncover the seamless integration capabilities within Marketo, emphasizing the simplicity, bidirectionality, and dynamic object and field mapping.

Part 2: The Limits of Native Integrations by Sylvain Davril (15 mins): Explore the challenges and limitations faced with Marketo's native integrations, including issues with duplicates, unsupported objects, and the complexities of handling integration failures.

Part 3: Vertify's Solution for Abilways by Pauline Royer (15 mins): Hear the story of how Vertify transformed Abilways' integration between Pipedrive and Marketo, highlighting the key benefits and improvements experienced.

Part 4: Overcoming Limits with Vertify by Amanda Barr (25 mins): Dive deep into how Vertify can enhance Marketo integration, from customized data transformation to advanced error handling and deduplication strategies. A demonstration will showcase the practical application and benefits.

Organization Details:

The meeting will be conducted virtually, accessible through Beevy, and will be recorded for those who cannot attend live.

Join us as we explore innovative solutions and strategies to leverage Marketo to its full potential, going beyond the native integration limits to unlock new levels of efficiency and effectiveness in your marketing operations.


  • Pauline Leconte


    Senior Solutions Consultant

  • Sylvain Davril


    Marketing Automation Expert

  • Pauline Royer


    Marketing Manager

  • Amanda Barr


    Product Marketing Manager



Thursday, February 29, 2024
3:30 PM – 5:30 PM UTC


Welcome & Introduction (15 mins)
The Greatness of Marketo Native Integration (15 mins)
The Limits of Native Integrations (15 mins)
How Vertify Aided Abilways' Integration Success (15 mins)
Enhancing Marketo with Vertify: Deep Dive & Demo (25 mins)
Questions and Answers


  • Sylvain Davril



  • Pauline Leconte


    Sales/Ops - Professional

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