Unlocking Interactive Webinars with Marketo Engage

Aug 7, 7:30 – 8:15 PM

Phoenix MUG

Interactive Webinars have now been made available to Marketo Engage instances and with them, a suite of powerful tools for virtual events are made available to marketing professionals across the globe. During this Marketo User Group, we will dive into practical examples on how to leverage Interactive Webinars, answer common questions, and demo the product live.

About this event

Interactive Webinars have now been made available to Marketo Engage instances and with them, a suite of powerful tools for virtual events are made available to marketing professionals across the globe.

During this Marketo User Group, we will dive into practical examples on how to leverage Interactive Webinars, answer common questions, and demo the product live.


  • Akande Davis

    GNW Consulting

    Director of Operations


  • Akande Davis

    GNW Consulting

    Director of Operations

  • Raja Walia

    GNW Consulting



  • Raja Walia

    GNW Consulting LLC


  • Akande Davis

    GNW Consulting


  • Mikey Chavez


    Marketing/Ops - Practitioner

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