Marketo Problem Solving with West Coast MOPs Pros

May 20, 2021, 10:00 – 11:00 PM (UTC)

Portland MUG

Whether you’re a new Marketo user or a well-seasoned pro, join this west coast user group meetup to learn about how you can use Marketo to solve the marketing operations challenges facing your organization. If you have a question this group will do their best to solve it. We’ll also get hands-on with common lead scoring issues, engagement program setup, data standardization, and much more.

About this event

Whether you’re a new Marketo user or a well-seasoned pro, join this west coast user group meetup to learn about how you can use Marketo to solve the marketing operations challenges facing your organization. Bring your questions, your tips & tricks and show off your recent projects. If you have questions this group will do their best to solve them. We’ll also get hands-on with common lead scoring issues, engagement program setup, data standardization and much more. Join us, we’ll have members from Seattle, Portland, San Diego in attendance. We’re all remote and everyone is welcome!



Thursday, May 20, 2021
10:00 PM – 11:00 PM (UTC)


10:00 PMIntros & Housekeeping Items
10:15 PMGroup Discussion & Problem Solving
10:50 PMTopic Brainstorming


  • Courtney McAra

    Mustang Martech


  • Jamye Breidenbach

    Emmie Co


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