Oct 21, 2020, 6:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)
This month we will start with "Marketo Shorts" - a couple of quick tips (no tricks this month!). Learn some tips that you may not know (or you may but forgot). In addition, we will be hosting a panel discussion on the health of your Marketo database. Your Marketo database is the cornerstone of every email campaign. You can’t target or engage your best leads steps without it.
This month we will start with "Marketo Shorts" - a couple of quick tips (no tricks this month!). Learn some tips that you may not know (or you may but forgot).
In addition, we will be hosting a panel discussion on the health of your Marketo database, moderated by Andrew Parker.
Your Marketo database is the cornerstone of every email campaign. Afterall, you can’t target or engage your best leads without one.
But, with huge spikes in unemployment across industries, email bounces and invalid emails are on the rise. Today 18.7% of email replies are about invalid email addresses, up from 8%.
You can’t run successful email programs if your database is full of outdated information.
Drift and the Salt Lake City MUG want to help you give your database a clean bill of health. Join Kate Adams, Drift’s VP of Marketing, and Lynn Tan, Senior Marketing Operations Manager, a power Marketo user who owns the Marketo database at Drift,
The panel and questions will discuss best practices around the steps you NEED to take for a healthy Marketo database.
We’ll make sure you leave this virtual event with with:
Drift will be our sponsor this month and will be giving a Swag Bag for some lucky winner!
Look forward to having you join us!
VP, Marketing
Sr. Marketing Operations Manager
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