SLC Marketing & Operations Technology Event

Dec 11, 2024, 6:30 PM – Dec 12, 2024, 1:00 AM (UTC)

Salt Lake City MUG

We’re partnering with RevOps and SalesOps groups from across the Silicon Slopes to have the discussion we all desperately need to have—how do we integrate systems, processes and people across MarketingOps, SalesOps and RevOps to maximize efficiency and help organizations grow?

About this event


If you've ever sat in a Marketing Ops, RevOps or SalesOps role, you know how important collaboration is between people and systems. You also know how hard it is to make sure that the people, and their systems, are all on the same page. From different data models to disparate naming conventions, the integration between marketing, revenue and sales is hard to pull off, even for the most seasoned and collaborative teams.

That's why we believe it's high time that all three disciplines (and their systems) get together in a room to talk through a few things. After all, we all want the same thing--to give the business the tools and data they need to succeed. Because nothing helps a business grow better than systems that work together.

Join us as we spend an afternoon discussing, debating and deciding how Marketing, Revenue and Sales Ops can and should work together to maximize efficiency and increase productivity. Additionally, we'll be talking about tricks of the trade for everything from CRM integration to Analytics consolidation and everything in between. The goal is to help you, in whatever seat you sit, come to a better understanding, and appreciation of all the systems and people that help make a tech stack not just exist, but thrive.

We hope to see you there!

Event Details:
Date: Wednesday, December 11, 2023
Time: 11:30am - 6:00pm
Location: Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek, S W Temple St, Salt Lake City, UT, USA



December 11 – 12, 2024
6:30 PM – 1:00 AM (UTC)


  • Trent Cross

    Top Peak Solutions, LLC


  • Andrew Parker

    Leadership Circle

    Marketing/Ops - Dir/VP

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