The New Marketo UI: Real-World usage and Marketo Shorts

Nov 18, 2020, 7:00 – 8:30 PM (UTC)

Salt Lake City MUG

This month we'll continue with our "Marketo Shorts", showcasing a couple of quick tips and tricks. In addition, we will be hosting a discussion on real world usage of the new Marketo UI. Hear from a couple of our members as they talk and discuss their current experiences with the new UI Pro/Cons.

About this event

In our meeting this month we'll continue with our "Marketo Shorts" - showcasing a couple of quick tips and tricks.

Then we will be hosting a discussion on "Real-World usage" of the new Marketo UI.  

Everyone's instance will be migrated to the new interface by over the next few months, so here's your chance to learn and know what it all means from those that are already working and familiar with the new interface. 

Ian Shields, Senior Marketing Operations Manager at Artemis HealthMcKell Cousins, Marketing Technology Specialist at Pluralsight, and Sam Watkinson, Marketing Operations Manager at BambooHR, will be our panelists to review and discuss their current perspectives and insights (and maybe some show-n-tell). Andrew Parker will be the moderator again to lead us through the discussion. Bring your questions, concerns, and learn how to prepared for your transition to new Marketo Engage User Experience (MEUE).

And we'll have some cool polls and the infamous spinning wheel for some $20 Gift cards!  Spend an hour with some of your closest colleagues and have a little fun at the same time.

Look forward to having you join us!


  • Sam Watkinson


    Marketing Operations Manager

  • McKell Cousins


    Marketing Technology Specialist

  • Ian Shields

    MOPs and RevOps Solutions Architect | Fractional Marketing Leader


  • Andrew Parker


    Personalization Manager


  • Trent Cross

    Marketing Ops/Marketing Leader


  • Andrew Parker

    Leadership Circle

    Marketing/Ops - Dir/VP

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