Behind the Scenes of Promotion in MOPs: Why Building Your Brand is Key

Sep 10, 2021, 6:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)

Silicon Valley MUG

There’s no silver bullet to guarantee a promotion, but we’ll discuss all the things you can do to move the needle in your favor, and how building and strengthening your brand can put you in a strong position to be considered for promotion.

About this event

In this user group, we’ll talk through what goes on behind the scenes leading up to promotion conversations. We’ll give our perspectives as marketing leaders on the other side on how to best prepare yourself for a successful promotion conversation, and the factors that managers and executives consider prior to promotion.

There’s no silver bullet to guarantee a promotion, but we’ll discuss all the things you can do to move the needle in your favor, and how building and strengthening your brand can put you in a strong position to be considered for promotion.



Friday, September 10, 2021
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)


6:00 PMIntro
6:10 PMMain Session
6:50 PMWrap Up


  • Jessica Kao


    Sr. Director, Demand Operations

  • Max Maurier


    Sr. Director, Marketing Operations, Analytics, and Growth


  • Jessica Kao

    Marketing/Ops - Dir/VP

  • Prachi Chheda


    Marketing/Ops - Mgr

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