On the Hunt: Adapting Your Job Search and Interview Strategy During a Pandemic

May 21, 2021, 4:00 – 5:00 PM (UTC)

Silicon Valley MUG

There's a lot of opportunity out there, and the landscape has changed. Join Jess & Max to talk through what they've learned interviewing over the past year and how it's affected their approach to job hunting.

About this event

There's a lot of opportunity out there, and the landscape has changed.

Remote roles, digital interviews, and changing strategies have affected the way you engage with recruiters, hiring managers, and potential employers.

Join Jess & Max to talk through what they've learned interviewing over the past year and how it's affected their approach to job hunting.


  • Jessica Kao


    Sr. Director, Demand Operations

  • Max Maurier


    Sr. Director, Marketing Operations, Analytics, and Growth



Friday, May 21, 2021
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM (UTC)


Jess & Max - How to Job Hunt & Interview During a Pandemic
Open Discussion: Share Your Experience!


  • Jessica Kao

    Marketing/Ops - Dir/VP

  • Prachi Chheda


    Marketing/Ops - Mgr

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